Girls Scouts - Junior- Mechanical Engineer Triple Badge Journey Workshops
Date and Time
Sunday Aug 9, 2020
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
August 9th - 3-5PM
August 10th - 3-4PM
Challenge Island Virtual Girl Scout Workshops
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Challenge Island® partners with Girl Scout Councils nationwide, and we are now offering hands-on virtual STEAM Girl Scout workshops for Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes! During this triple badge event, complete the requirements for the Junior MECHANICAL ENGINEER badge while incorporating the Engineering process to complete the Balloon Car Design Challenge Badge, the Crane Design Challenge Badge and the Paddle Boat Design Challenge Badge. All you need is a few basic household supplies and a device to log into the virtual classroom. Your Girl Scout is sure to enjoy this hands-on, interactive online class while connecting with troop members and other area Girl Scouts.
Every participant receives an exclusive Challenge Island Fun Patch and certificate!
*Girls are encouraged to wear their Scout sash/vest.
August 9 3-5PM EST Balloon Car & Paddle Boat Design Challenge
August 10 4-5PM EST Crane Design Challenge
· * Our whimsical, creativity-based STEM/STEAM curriculum inspires girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math.
· * The Scientific Method is used by girls throughout each challenge as our cross-curricular island themes extends their learning across multiple disciplines.
· * Both left & right sides of the brain are utilized as innovative, creative thinking is encouraged and celebrated.
· * Challenges emphasize valuable skills such as communication, critical & creative thinking, flexibility, leadership, initiative, social skills & grit.
· * Our workshops prepare the fun, lively G.I.R.L. of today for the ever-changing global marketplace of the future.
Come Join Us and find out what Challenge Island is all about!
Once we receive your registration you will be sent a supplies list and the unique link to join us for this class.