Matthews HELP Center
Community Service & Civic OrganizationsNon-profit Organization
- 119 N. Ames Street Matthews NC 28105
- (704) 847-8383
- (704) 847-1621
- Send Email
- www.matthewshelpcenter.org
Programs & Services: Monday - Friday Online
Backporch Treasures : Monday - Friday 10 to 5
Driving Directions:
We are located on the corner of Ames and Charles Street just minutes from downtown Matthews.
About Us
Mission: The mission of Matthews HELP Center is to help our neighbors survive a financial crisis by providing short term assistance.
Be a part of helping our community: Donate food for our food pantry, household items and clothing for the thrift store. Join our team of over 150 weekly volunteers giving time, talent and heart in the food pantry and thrift boutique, at the front desk as receptionists and as couriers for food pick ups. We'll find the right spot for you. For more information, complete the volunteer application on our website @ www.matthewshelpcenter.org or call us at 704-847-8383.
Please visit our thrift boutique...Backporch Treasures. Donated clothing and household items are available in our beautifully designed thrift boutique. Clothing is provided free of charge to qualifying clients and to the public at minimal cost. All proceeds go toward crisis assistance. ''Where shopping is a good deed!''
Video Media
- Financial Crisis Assistance
- Food Pantry
- Community Referrals
- Back 2 School Program
- Holiday Support





Rep/Contact Info